”The worst bankruptcy in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm.”

Rivale gives the insolvency practice another dimension. It is not the economic death, but the relief by removing “the ballast” accumulated through vicious economic and financial actions and transformation of this dramatic experience in benefits. Both the value of the company and the debt might be better recovered by reorganization instead of liquidation.
The way the reorganization is to be approached should give the creditors the confidence the internal control and risk management standards are implemented to such an extent that assures the company’s resilience so as to sustain the new debt refunding schedule and another debt reschedule would not occur again.
No one is available to accept the slavery to debt and in case the creditors are not flexible then reorganization cannot succeed and insolvency would turn towards liquidation and all of stakeholders would suffer (besides the debtors and creditors, the personnel, the fiscal authorities, the social and health insurance authorities, the local authorities, consumers and the whole chain of supply and demand).
Our Services
It refers to your Clients / Debtors / Suppliers that might face difficulties in observing their obligations. In case insolvency is suddenly declared, most probably there are not enough resources remaining anymore for refunding all of creditors. That’s why early warning signals must not be ignored. In case you are not proactive in this respect, most probably will lose more money, while if you would detect the problem before other creditors would do it, you would have a good chance to recover the debt shortly as your pressure on the debtor might convince him to prioritize the payments in your favor. Rivale is able to help you by detecting insolvency early signals and by assisting you in recovering the debt before insolvency occurs.
Both debtors and creditors have the opportunity to draw up judicial re-organization plans. The difficulty consists in applying the economic reasons under restrictive conditions of the legal provisions. Rivale has the knowledge and experience necessary to assist you with the preparation of the reorganization plans.
For defending effectively your rights you need professional assistance. The lawyers’ houses are able to cover legal issues but not economic and financial ones that certainly happen during insolvency phases. Rivale is ready to prevent the waste of debtors’ resources during insolvency process by supervising all of operations performed by both debtors’ administrators and insolvency practitioners.